Entrepreneur Mindset: The Chicken or The Egg

One of the biggest reasons for failure as an entrepreneur is the inability to raise funds or to sustain the a business beyond the first 18 months due to negative cash-flow. So why are some entrepreneurs more successful than others? We've all had the question about which comes first, the chicken or the egg? The journey of an entrepreneur begins with the same question - I want to start a business but I don't have funding, I can't get funding because I don't have experience in running a business. But if I have one chicken and I have the patience to feed it, nurture it and keep it in good health, my chicken will lay eggs that can develop into more chickens AND bring in additional revenue from the eggs themselves, which will sustain me, my business and members of my community. Having one egg and asking for funding to buy the things needed for it to hatch, requires a lot of creative thinking, effort and risk on the potential entrepreneur and investor. If you were eith...