Let's Turn Education On Its Head

I'm curious to know why everyone would have to learn how to speak English if everyone in their community speaks a common language other than English? Educating children is supposed to empower them to later allow them to become independent, gainfully employed, consumers of society. Oh! Sorry! Cough, Cough, I meant doctors, lawyers and bankers or so the children are told by parents and teachers. But the current curriculum has a blanket approach that says kids must all get degrees to become leaders in society, yet the same system does not actually teach kids how to manage budgets, create things and sell things so that they may be independent and autonomous citizens. The language used to teach is in itself a barrier to success for the millions of people who do not and will not ever move from their local communities. How much easier would it be for the teachers to teach and for the learner to learn especially in rural areas if teachers were able to teach in their native language? E...