Just Think Differently
What opens up as a possibility if you could think differently?
The power to change one's mindset may not be as difficult as we think. Simply choosing different responses may be enough to provoke a change in our thought process and therefore in our lifestyle.
Sooooo.... ! What if changing your life was as simple as thinking differently?
It is not a trick question, it is just a question that asks you to spend one week thinking differently when issues arise. Give it a try during the week ahead! Instead of responding with a knee jerk, automatic reaction, rather keep the above question in your mind and allow your subconscious to come up with alternative responses.
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Have fun with the question and get your friends and family to try thinking differently as well, so that you can then all share the experience.
In the interim it's late for me now so I'm off to my bed, thinking differently about how to shape my pillows to better suite the arms of Morpheus. Night! Night!
Joan Laine
Change & Transformation Consultant
NLP Practitioner
Project Manager
The only constant is change, why not embrace it?
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