Is Coaching And the Way We Coach Changing?

I am calling on fellow coaches to take the time to complete this 10 minute survey, the outcomes of which will be shared with all participants. This survey aims to assess who are today's coaches, how they coach and what methods they use. The survey also aims to gain an understanding of a potential evolution of coaching in the future. The information collected will be used as a dipstick in trying to understand how the industry is evolving. Please feel free to share the survey within your networks and on your social media platforms. You will receive a copy of the outcomes for free in March 2018. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE SURVEY Image Source: World Economic Forum - Top 10 Skills You Need to Thrive in 4th Industrial Revolutio At this stage it is only available in English and therefore results will only reflect English speaking participants. Please contact me if you wish to translate into other languages and publish the results in your country. This surve...