Ponderings - The Land of The Free

Ponderings The land of the free? Freedom of speech? Express yourself freely? Freedom of Expression? Are these just a group of words put together to sound nice and entice others to come and live in the country with cities paved with gold; or maybe the fine print was so well hidden that no one noticed the exceptions and exclusions when they sold the American Dream? A silent protest is no longer acceptable in the US. This year police have been seen dragging people out of wheel chairs who were protesting, people laying down on the street in silent protest have been attacked, people peacefully protecting their homes and their land were attacked by the army, and people who kneel in silent protest are vilified; but it was freedom of expression when the KKK marched through the town unmasked. So are there two definitions of the word FREE? It seems Americans are losing more and more freedom each day, and that it is so easy to keep people distracted from what is really happening...