
Showing posts from 2017

Transformational Leadership Coaching With Lumina

A Sample Lumina Splash (c) Transformational Leadership Coaching solutions are supported using psychometric and neuroscience analytics to measure your emotional development. Lumina Learning(c) is a preferred partner of Embracing Change for the measurement of behavioural changes desired by our clients and coachees. Your Transformational Leadership (TLP) coaching programme will include a Lumina Spark portrait,  which is the Lumina baseline psychometric assessment, providing you with your personal emotional benchmark at the beginning of your transformation journey. After completing the Lumina Spark  assessment, you will receive your Lumina Portrait which includes your Lumina Splash(c). Each Lumina Splash is as unique as a finger print. If you want a quick assessment of who you are, you can download the Lumina Splash App by clicking on the links below - then get your friends to also down load so you can compare and find out how well you know each other. Get Your Fre...

Coaching Transformational Leaders For Sustainable Development

Disclaimer - I am adopting the SDG Goals aligned to Embracing Change's business objectives but am not a representative of the UNDP nor any of their associated representants. The SDG's provide solid and meaningful objectives to work towards. 3 months ago I resigned from my corporate job to return to a dream that had been sitting on a dusty shelf for 10 years. The dream is to establish coaching academies for youth, so that the world will have future leaders who are emotionally developed enough to understand that the sustainability of humanity and the planet depends on unity and balance, not divisiveness and inequality. Coaching is a powerful communication tool for collaboration and negotiation when delivered with integrity and compassion. It supports the co-creation of desired objectives for the collective and for the higher good of all. By equipping school children with transformational leadership coaching skills, we, as humanity begin to change the way we interact with eac...

Commitment for Sustainable Development And Transformation

Embracing Change commits to contributing to the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals for Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ,  through people development initiatives and alignment of business objectives to support the following SDG's in particular: SDG 4  Quality Education SDG 10 Reduce Inequalities SDG 11 Sustainable Cities & Communities SDG 17 Partnerships for The Goals

Wake Up From Your Programmed State

Pink Floyd - The Wall comes to mind as an imagery of where we, the human race, is heading but Carl Sagan, prophesied exactly how it would happen in 1995. I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time - when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. Extracted from The dumbing down of ...

A Catalyst for Transformation To Begin

This day of 21st November, 2017 is a historical day. It is the day Robert Mugabe resigned, and the beginning of a transformative period for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans world wide. How transformation will take place is not yet known but as with all transformations, it will be a slow process. Full details of his resignation is covered here in this Sunday Times article   Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe has resigned The opportunity for socio-economic development is tremendous, however it is too soon to tell whether the changes will be positive or negative. I would like to believe that only good will come to this country and its people from now on. Let the new leadership empower all Zimbabweans to move forward.

Creating Business Opportunities for Africa

We had such an inspiring and fun evening last night at   The Graft Yard  during the speed networking event hosted by   Lebogang Chaka   last night. This is the way forward to lead sustainable change, with real opportunities for business growth in Africa. # sustainablebusiness   # changeforafrica   # thegraftyard   # afrovisionary

Ponderings - The Land of The Free

Ponderings The land of the free? Freedom of speech? Express yourself freely? Freedom of Expression? Are these just a group of words put together to sound nice and entice others to come and live in the country with cities paved with gold; or maybe the fine print was so well hidden that no one noticed the exceptions and exclusions when they sold the American Dream? A silent protest is no longer acceptable in the US. This year police have been seen dragging people out of wheel chairs who were protesting, people laying down on the street in silent protest have been attacked, people peacefully protecting their homes and their land were attacked by the army, and people who kneel in silent protest are vilified; but it was freedom of expression when the KKK marched through the town unmasked. So are there two definitions of the word FREE? It seems Americans are losing more and more freedom each day, and that it is so easy to keep people distracted from what is really happening...

Plant The Seeds To Success and Trust The Universe

Only two weeks ago we decorated our Promise Pots and planted our Seeds of Success in them during our Spring Day Retreat hosted by Lynnie Blessings and Sheryl Walton . I'm thrilled to see the progress of budding flowers appearing in my Promise Pot. I must admit, I am impatient to see what my Promise Pot will offer me and like a little kid at the approach of Christmas, I have to see how it is growing each day.  I can't wait to discover what is actually growing in it ;-) In order to truly transform, letting go and going with the flow often requires a change in mindset. Trust that the Universe will provide when you are living your life's purpose, and it will. It does require that you plant the seeds of success first, that you nurture your dream, and that you give it love and compassion and then... you leave it alone to germinate and manifest. In the trusting, it does not matter if you do not recognise what is emerging, just trust that it is exactly what is needed ...

Embracing Change - Be Curious

In life there are opportunities that come our way either to teach us lessons or to fulfill our dreams, but in order to reach the opportunities we have to step through the doors that have opened for us. Yet we hesitate... sometimes for too long because we want to know that it is safe or don't want to risk existing losing comforts. The door this lady is walking through may be the invitation into a life of unwanted behaviours, it maybe an invitation for the lady to loosen up and go and have fun, in may also be the opportunity for the photographer to experiment with different lighting and textures, leading to alternative career opportunities. In any of these cases, nothing would change if no one walked through the door that opportunity has opened. Embracing Change - Be Curious By Joan Laine By being curious you are already embracing change to find out more about how to transform your life by Embracing Change through Transformational Leadership visit https://embracingchan...

Getting Around The Brick Wall

As a consultant, all had been going well. The plans that I had made were becoming actuality 12 months earlier than expected and I had a comfortable flow of clients, so when I found myself suddenly lying on my back in agonising pain, it felt like I had been on a train track at full speed and hit a brick wall at 130km’s and hour. Image Source: Download From Internet Original Source Unknown This happened a few years ago when one day, I found that no matter what I was doing life seemed to be a series of irritating incidents aimed at slowing me down — I got a major virus on my computer, which stopped me communicating with the world; my car broke down, which stopped me getting out to see my clients; and I lost my phone, also stopping any verbal communication outside of those directly within my physical reach. When I was able to finally able to get out, I even found myself getting stuck in traffic It seemed that wherever I turned, everything had come to a standstill and I was stuck...

Transformation is an Itinerary, Change is an Event

Transformation is an Itinerary, Change is an Event The ability to lead change and drive transformation is not inherent in most people and whilst schools, university and churches may teach how to lead others, they do not teach how to lead self. This a gap in our core learning since any change that will take place, begins with the decisions we will make only after  we accept that we will agree to change and make a conscious decision to do so. By beginning with changing from within,  all resistance to change itself is removed; energy is available to move into action and resilience is improved with less chance of burnout. Transformation is an iterative process of incremental changes applied overtime. These incremental changes build upon each other, reinforcing and embedding the previous changes so that they become intertwined and embedded into our DNA to make new components of our being. The end result is a transformed state, which cannot go back to its original state....

The DNA of Belonging

When you are on track towards your goal and purpose, you naturally belong in society The collapse of the natural community in the western world is literally killing us and is perpetuated by the consistent messages of separatism driven by the labels of political correctness. Without connectivity there is a sense of not belonging. When we feel we do not belong we either retreat within ourselves, or act out because we are seeking attention. Often this may lead to depression or acts of violence, some of the most extreme being public shootings in cinemas, schools or churches. Old behaviours described as new Here is some food for thought, why are all genders that are  different , collectively clustered together under the PC label LGBT?  Oh! Dear, now how did we overlook the fact that we have excluded the aitches (H's for Hetrosexual), are they then all possiblyAsexual? But wait a minute -  it possible that the principles of colonialism never really disappear...

What If You Could Create Financial Health and Spiritual Wealth?

Ask yourself what opens up as a possibility if you were to create Financial Health and Spiritual Wealth?   Here are 4 steps to help get you on your way. Q. What is the correlation between financial health and spiritual wealth?  A. They both relate to values and worth. When we are spiritually unhealthy, there is very little self-esteem, joy or reason to get up in the morning. Life around us is drab and grey and is it is difficult to see the good in anything around us. We exist but we are not active participants in life. We expect the worse to happen to us and it usually does. However, there are cycles of growth in life and with these cycles, there is always a time when we need to make a big change, and yet we cling to the known comfort of our now outgrown and uncomfortable discomfort, until such time that we are absolutely forced to make that change because we can no longer stay in that same place nor go backward. That type of change is always transformational. Kind...