Building Change Resilience - Be Self Assured

Be Self-Assured What does that look like? Is it being able to demonstrate to a crowd? Maybe it is knowing that the information you share with others is of value? Could it be about being dressed to the nines and smooth talking your way through anything? Or is it having the confidence to say what you mean in any circumstance without being arrogant? However it is portrayed, self-assurance is one of the key characteristics of building your own resilience to change. But how does building my confidence help in the corporate environment? When you are self-assured, you are always moving forward and getting on with the task at hand. There is no questioning that you have the skills to achieve the required results and you share your ideas, contributing towards the success of the team. When you are self-assured, you are not afraid to ask questions or to admit that you don't know what you don't know. You also don't mind acting the fool at times, either to get the point a...