Building Change Resilience - Have People Skills
Have people skills

I think the movie ‘Invictus’ has great examples of
how to build your people skills in ‘The Madiba Way’. What simple things did
Nelson Mandela do to uplift his team and an entire nation?
My first thought is that he took time
to understand what is important to
people. From small every day niceties like asking how his guard’s children
were doing at school, to recognising that rugby is not just a sport but a way
of life for many people. Madiba embraced the culture of his enemy and won peace
for a nation. How does that translate to our reality?
We all get invited to team lunches and
events. Go! Take time to know your colleagues outside of their job. What is
important to them – religion, children, sports, charity, art? Here are a few
suggestions of things you can do to get to know your colleagues better:
- Team lunches: On the CBT Change Team we have themed lunches every now and then. We have done Bollywood and Afrikaans so far and it has been great fun.
- Celebrations: By recognising a range of other traditional holidays like Eid, Diwali, Pass Over, Heritage Day or Easter you learn some fun new traditions and more about other’s values
- Ask: Or simply ask ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’
Appropriate humour is a great way to
engage with people. Nelson Mandela is known for his wicked sense of humour.
People take the lead from how you act.
If you walk in to a room and greet people
with a big smile they will respond in the same way. Think of Madiba
greeting the staff in the Presidential Office on his first day. They were
scared and insecure... he put them at ease and gained their loyalty by
respecting them.
Go to the grass roots
and listen. There is a scene when the rugby team
go and play in the townships. When you remember who you are doing something for
and how they will benefit, it re-energises you. It takes you out of the small
details and into the bigger picture. If you listen to the people you are
serving you will find out what the real issue is and together come to the
Finally, be the change you want to be. This is a famous quote from Ghandi (another great
people person). The values we have as a business need to be lived every day. For
example treating people with respect and acting without arrogance, translates
Say it from the heart. Funeka’s call
for us to be a caring bank really rang true to me. When you care and it comes
from the heart people will respond.
Let’s get practical
Toastmasters – this association will
give you the opportunity to talk about something that you are passionate about,
whilst building your people and
leadership skills. There are 135 branches in South Africa, so you can easily
find one near you.
Participating in a class/course – Philosophy, art classes, drama classes, cycling
group, cooking classes – there are always very diverse people at these social events,
who all share a common interest making it easier to connect
And some great reads
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - by
Steve R Covey
People Skills - by
Robert Bolton Phd
It’s the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well
Spoken & Clear - by Carol A Fleming
Post your stories below of where your Personal Skills
have helped you to break the ice or gain confidence
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