Building Change Resilience - Be Socially Connected
Be socially connected

So why do we do feel this need to
connect? Primarily, it stems from basic survival instincts. An individual does
not have all of the skills to survive alone in nature.
How does being socially connected make us more
resilient to change?
It makes us recognise that other people
are required to bring the appropriate skills and values to successfully
complete a project. Have you ever
spent a couple of days creating a project plan, only to find that Mandla has
already created a fantastic template? What takes me a whole day and plenty of
yelling at my computer takes Mandla 5 minutes. If I had connected with Mandla, we
would have worked together as a team, eliminating any duplication and leveraging
each other’s skills to produce the plan.
Being socially connected gives us access
to knowledge. Sharing is caring in an environment where things are constantly
changing. Knowing ‘what, when who, how and where’ goes a long way to building
resilience to upcoming changes. Take the current migrations to AccessAccounts.
When I heard Chris Nel speaking about the solid escalation measures in place to
address any issues I felt a lot more confident that the migrations would be
Getting socially connected

The bad news? There is none! Just use
existing connections to begin building or extending your networks.
- Use professional engagementslike team meetings, Indabas, Connect Sessions to get introduced
- Your dance, book, scuba or golf clubs can all be used to connect with others in a different way
- Use social media networks for the same thing – LinkedIn is a useful professional network
- Having a quick chat over coffee is a great way to find out about something
- Keeping it simple. Get up from your desk and ask your colleague the question. You’ll see that there are very few that actually bite
Give back
When you help other people and are
generous with your knowledge then they will be more inclined to help you. For
example if a colleague recommends you on LinkedIn return the favour. Or in
another situation you could take 5 minutes to explain an Excel formula etc.
At the end of the day being socially
connected means you need to get out there. Introduce yourself, take an interest
and be involved. The result is that you will find that like you, colleagues are
more than willing to share knowledge and skills to get the job done faster.
Elevator Speech
Having a clear 2 – 3 sentence of who
you are and what you do will make a better impression when you first meet
someone. You can practice on your friends first if you are shy. Try this
Imagine being in an elevator and you
have 30 seconds to tell Hannah Sadiki who you are, what you do and what your
skills are. For example
“I am Sibongele Nkosi. I work in
Internal Communications for Channel. We produce all the ‘Blue Matter’ scripts
and ‘Heart-to-Heart’. I can turn a 100 page presentation into 1 page”
Want to know more?
Online material
Share your experience about being socially
connected in the workplace or you can even create and post your Elevator Speech
below – make it as fun and outrageous as you like!
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