Building Change Resilience - Be Proactive

Be Proactive

One of the things that we often fear is the fear of the unknown. We spend a lot of energy worrying about outcomes that never actually happen, because we are trying to avoid disruption to our daily routines. When we know what lies ahead, we can plan and make provision for the things we think we will need and also prepare for the unexpected.

When we are proactive, we plan ahead as much as possible by thinking about solutions to potential issues that may arise. For example, when I know that I am going on a scuba trip, there are number of things I need to plan for if I want to ensure that I have the best time possible.

There are things that I know I will have to always take with me, so I have a checklist of those things readily available. In fact a number of things need to be planned at least 3 to 6 weeks before hand;
  • Is it oversea’s – is my passport up to date, do I need a visa?
  • Weather - Is the temperature warmer or colder?
  • Food & Beverages – Do I need to take my own? Can I drink the water?
  • How about the currency etc? – Can I use Rands?, Can I use my credit card?

By being proactive, I prepare for any last minute changes that may occur.  When I get to the airport, I am already completely relaxed and ready to enjoy my holiday.

In the workplace, being proactive enables you to prepare for changes that are going to impact yourself, your colleagues and your team. Being aware of what is going to be happening in the 3 to 6 months ahead gives you time to reorganise the team or to reallocate resources.

If I say to you, “You will have to change the way you do things!” and leave it at that!  Some people will immediately want to know what you need to change, while others will decide they do not want to know anything at all. Being curious about the changes occurring in your business unit, informs you about things that you would not necessarily think of. Many people believe that the change impacts will only happen in the branches. But did you know that Customer1st change impacts will touch everyone in the bank to different degrees in PBB? 

Those who choose to know are being proactive and will be prepared for the changes that will come their way. Those who choose to be an ostrich, will feel that they had not been consulted when the time comes for change and will be unhappy.

Being proactive is about making a very simple choice;

Either I allow things to happen to me or I do things to make life happen the way I want it too.

So let’s put theory into practice!

Be proactive by finding out more about what is coming in the workplace your way or why not try Creating your Best Life – By Caroline Adams Miller

I found this book to be very well balanced with practical guidelines and easy to use worksheets. It was also a lot of fun using it to look at some personal aspects of my life which were revealed to be quite empty!

Other Good Reads

Ahead of the Game – How a South African Entrepreneur Keeps ahead of the game in the world of media publication and distribution

Oh and this has now become a favourite read - Guess what the first habit of the  7 Habits of Highly Successful People is? You guessed right... BE Proactive! Mmm... maybe I should finally read this book!

Are you generally proactive? Whether you are or not, what impact it has in your everyday planning.


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